Unless blessed with blemish-free skin, acne scars are a common problem. When the pores on our skin get clogged with dirt, oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria, the dermal layer is inflamed, causing acne. Acne is usually painful, red, and sometimes filled with pus, so we tend to pop or squeeze these lesions, which causes further infection and worsened scarring. For some, acne heals quickly, leaving light marks on the skin; but for others, the scarring is permanent and deep.
These five helpful tips can help rid your skin of acne scars, from the lightest and most superficial to the darkest and deepest.
- Exfoliate with acids- This is the first step in healing acne scars. Alpha and beta hydroxy acids are known to remove dead layers of skin, help stimulate collagen production, and fight bacteria that causes acne. These helpful acids are usually found in cleansers, toners, and serums, but be sure to pick a strength your skin can tolerate.
- Add some vitamins to your skin care routine- Did you know that vitamins A, B, and C can help with minimizing acne scars? Vitamin A (aka Retinol) helps fight acne and can improve your complexion by turning over the dead skin cells. Vitamin B3 (aka Niacinamide) has the capacity to combat discoloration, pigmentation from the sun, enlarged pores, early signs of aging, and acne. Lastly, Vitamin C is great for protecting our skin from external aggressors, brightening the complexion, and diminishing acne marks. Using any of these vitamins contributes to a more even complexion and acne-free skin.
- Microdermabrasion- For more stubborn acne scars and pits on the skin, microdermabrasion is the answer. It’s a procedure performed by skincare professionals and can improve the appearance of acne scars (discoloration and depressed scars lying flat on the epidermis), enlarged pores, and other skin imperfections. Materials like sodium bicarbonate crystals help exfoliate the surface of the skin, thus ridding the skin’s surface of dead cells. Suction stimulates blood circulation in the skin. This is a non-invasive procedure accepted by most skin types and has no downtime.
- Microneedling- Microneedling is a procedure where microneedles are used to create micro-punctures on the skin’s outer layer to promote collagen production. To avoid further irritation and scarring on your face, this procedure should be done by a professional. If done correctly, microneedling stimulates the production of new skin. Unlike microdermabrasion, microneedling requires some downtime, but is effective in getting rid of acne scars and is perfect for all skin types.
- Laser Treatment- Laser treatments, such as Cutera excel V, are great for addressing superficial and deep vascular conditions, blemishes, acne scars with red, purple, blue, and brown pigment, and other skin imperfections caused by aging and the sun. It is the perfect treatment for overall skin rejuvenation and is effective in treating acne scarring. Key features of this treatment include minimal to no discomfort, minimal downtime and non-invasive, and it can treat a wide range of skin types and conditions. It often requires a series of treatments, however, improvement is noticed even after one treatment.