As we age, the skin loses elasticity and the distance between the eyebrows and eyelashes shortens. A sagging, heavy brow can make you look constantly tired. A brow lift will help minimize the sagginess of your upper eyelids and help raise your brows to a more rested, youthful position. Come to Miami Beach Laser and Aesthetics for a brow lift in Miami with our two nonsurgical options.
Ultherapy® for Brow Lift
Ultherapy® uses ultrasound technology to lift the brow. Ultherapy® is the only FDA-approved, non-invasive treatment to tighten and lift the skin. The ultrasound delivered to the skin during your treatment helps to stimulate collagen production. Ultherapy® is a great non-surgical option for a brow lift.
Procedure Time
30 minutes
Recovery Time
Number of treatments recommended
Botox® / Dysport® / Xeomin® / for Brow Lift
Botox®, Dysport®, and Xeomin® can be used to give the patient a brow lift if injected properly. By injecting Botox®, Dysport®, or Xeomin® into the corrugator, procerus, and orbicularis oculi muscles that pull the eyebrow down, these muscles are softened. This injection technique can cause the brow to rest and relax in a lifted position.
Procedure Time
15 minutes
Recovery Time
Number of treatments recommended
Every 3-6 months
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a brow lift?
A brow lift is a procedure that is done, either surgically or non-surgically, to lift a sagging brow.
How is a brow lift done?
There are several procedures that can be performed, non-surgically, to lift the brows. Botox/Dysport/Xeomin can be injected into the glabellar area and around the eyes to counteract these depressor muscles, therefore, lifting the brows. Ultherapy uses ultrasound technology to lift the brow area and is another option.
How long does a brow lift last?
Results will vary, based on the modality used to lift the brows. Injection of Botox/Dysport/Xeomin/ will last 3-6 months and Ultherapy usually lasts up to one year.
How much is a brow lift?
Cost will vary based on number of units used for Botox/Dysport/Xeomin and cost of Ultherapy is $500-$800.
How do I know if I need a brow lift?
If your brows look heavy or flat to you, you may discuss your options with your aesthetic provider.
What age should I get a brow lift?
The age you decide to get a brow lift varies from person to person. If genetics is playing a role in heavy eyelids/brows, one may decide to have the procedure done at an earlier age.
Is a brow lift permanent?
A brow lift is not permanent, whether you choose a nonsurgical or surgical procedure. The aging process continues and, at some point, you may decide to do another procedure.
Does a brow lift help hooded eyes?
A brow lift is not a blepharoplasy (eyelid lift), although you will notice that the eyelids are lifted a few millimeters from the brow lift procedure.
Does insurance pay for a brow lift?
A brow lift is a cosmetic procedure and, therefore, insurance will not pay for it.
How long is the recovery from a brow lift?
There is usually little to no downtime after a nonsurgical brow lift.